How to set up the opera browser. How to set up opera on a computer

 The process of installing the Opera browser on a Windows computer is quite simple, but for those who are used to learning how to do something first, and only then do it, in this article we will look at how to install the Opera browser on a computer. To do this, you need to download the official version of the Opera browser (how to do this is described in detail in → this article). Then double-click on the downloaded file with the left mouse button. This will start the process of installing Opera on your computer. Starting the installation process of Opera on your computer For security reasons, when installing new programs on a computer, you need to confirm that this is done in a sober mind and solid memory. Therefore, this window will appear first: Starting the installation process of Opera on your computer It asks: "Run this file?". If this is indeed an Opera installation file downloaded from the official site, as described by the link in the introduction to this article, t

MEmu Play


MEmu Play

A free emulator designed just for weak personal computers in terms of hardware. The distribution is downloaded from the official site and "weighs" only 15 MB. PC requirements are modest: from 1 GB of RAM, a video card that works with the OpenGL 2.0 instruction set, any processor (even Intel, even AMD) that adequately perceives virtualization.

Application functionality:

fine-tuning (processor operating frequencies, memory consumption, screen resolution, root mode, etc.);
connecting a joystick for games;
access to files from Windows to Android and vice versa;
applications with the .apk extension are installed by drag and drop;
launching several Android systems (and different versions) and switching between them;
video recording from the emulator screen is available;
you can install WhatsApp, Telegram, other instant messengers and type messages from the keyboard;
connection to many TV channels is available.