How to set up the opera browser. How to set up opera on a computer

 The process of installing the Opera browser on a Windows computer is quite simple, but for those who are used to learning how to do something first, and only then do it, in this article we will look at how to install the Opera browser on a computer. To do this, you need to download the official version of the Opera browser (how to do this is described in detail in → this article). Then double-click on the downloaded file with the left mouse button. This will start the process of installing Opera on your computer. Starting the installation process of Opera on your computer For security reasons, when installing new programs on a computer, you need to confirm that this is done in a sober mind and solid memory. Therefore, this window will appear first: Starting the installation process of Opera on your computer It asks: "Run this file?". If this is indeed an Opera installation file downloaded from the official site, as described by the link in the introduction to this article, t

Instructions for installing Azure Data Studio

 Instructions for installing Azure Data Studio

To start installing Azure Data Studio, you need to run the setup file you downloaded earlier - azuredatastudio-windows-setup

This will open the installer. You must first accept the terms of the license agreement. Click "I accept the terms of the agreement" and then "Next".


On the next window, we will be prompted to change the installation folder, you can leave it by default. We press "Next".

The note! TOP 5 popular database management systems (DBMS).


Then there are the settings for displaying shortcuts in the start menu. We can leave everything at default again. We press "Next".


Here we are offered to perform additional tasks, for example, create a shortcut on the desktop. Put the necessary checkboxes and click "Next".


Everything is ready for installation, click "Install".

SQL course for beginners


The installation will take literally a minute, and when the following window is displayed, the installation will be completed.

To start Azure Data Studio immediately, check the "Start Azure Data Studio" checkbox and click "Finish".


The note! Overview of tools for working with Microsoft SQL Server.

On the desktop and in the start menu (if you made such settings during the installation process), the corresponding shortcuts to launch the Azure Data Studio program will appear.


The Azure Data Studio interface looks like this.